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“If people refuse to look at you in a new light and they can only see you for what you were, only see you for the mistakes you've made, if they don't realize that you are not your mistakes, then they have to go.” ― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free


December Wishlist
His Love [Poem]
Review Buku : Awek Chuck Taylor - Nami Cob Nobbler
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Kau aku dalam buku
Saturday, December 7, 2013 • 9:29 PM • 0 comments

   Aku berjalan keluar, melihat peti surat jika ada surat untuk aku. Terdapat beberapa poskad dan bil - bil disitu. Sambil berjalan masuk ke dalam rumah, aku membaca surat yang diterima.
     Angin sejuk di pagi hari membuatkan aku ingin masuk ke dalam rumah dengan cepat. Sweater di badan aku ketatkan.

    Dan, salah satu daripada surat itu menarik perhatian aku. Tulisan yang aku rindukan setiap masa. Aku kenal tulisan itu. Tanpa membuang masa aku duduk di sofa ruang tamu sambil membuka sampul surat itu. Kesunyian menyelinap setiap sudut rumah. Perlahan lahan aku bukan surat itu.

    'Her writting!'

" There, in the book written every our memories. Every paraghraph tell every differents story of us. I wrote them so you can always remember us. Different chapter with different months, with different genre. The first time we met as a stranger and through and through everything and then come to the ending. I really hope we have a beautiful ending, like every novel has but it turns out, reality is not a novel story. And this story of ours is not a disney happy ending story. I wish it was, but i doesnt. I know, everythings happen for a reason and this situastion of us happen for a reason. There's a reason that you and me need to find and solve but then we already find why but we cant solve it. I love you, I really do. There's no one moment that I dont. Eternity, infinity. I hope you will forget me and forgive every mistakes i do. I cant ask you to moved on cause me myself, i cant do it. It hurts every moments when i remember that day and it makes me happy when i remember us. There is still you in my heart, I will never forget you. You teach me many things and you help me in everythings. You're the perfection that i need in my life .
      Read everything. That book, tell us. Tell every story of us. Every journey of our relationship. 

I love you. Always. 

Once you loved,
 Amy. "

      Tanpa menunggu lagi, aku terus membawa kaki keluar rumah dan menuju ke peti surat. ' Book book book where is the book?' sambil mulut tidak berhenti membisik mencari buku. Setelah aku nampak buku itu, terus aku mengeluarkannya dari peti surat itu.

    Sampul yang berbalut aku koyak ganas. Lalu terus aku buka muka surat pertama.

Every memories, you and me. I love you. 
Amy x Chad

 Dan tanpa sedar air mata laju turun. Teresak - esak aku menangis sambil memeluk buku itu kuat. 

"I love you too." 

- Diyana.A, 8 December 2013, 13:26 PM


I stop time and go back to you
I open your page in my book of memories
I am there inside, I am with you
- Exo , Miracles In December
